Saturday, May 11, 2013

Get Thee Behind Me, Fears!

Ever want something so bad, so lusted after, yet was scared of it happening?


Ever since my first experience being married, and having it be such a travesty, I have had a perpetual string of relationships, which most of the time fizzled after a few months. 

I have Borderline Personality Disorder, for those of you who didn't know. My most noticeable, and most annoying, trait is being able to get attached to someone easily and quickly. 

The 4 relationships I've had in Wichita have made me better, made me worse, yet all of them have taught me a lot about myself, how to treat others, and how I deserve to be treated: like a fucking princess (of darkness!)

I have finally found the elusive bastard Happiness. I learned from David and Josh that doing that exact thing will ruin a relationship. With Michael, I am trying to pace myself like a boss. Sorry, had to. But I digress... So far? Freakin' impressive, if I do say so myself. Said THE word a but to early most likely, and I did have to get some advice for a few people, but I am relieved that I did it. And I wasn't offended when it wasn't fully reciprocated. And that usually happens. I do believe this is a good sign that I am getting over some of my relationship issues, of which there are a myriad of.

As a final note, almost having a seizure is not fun.